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Photo of the Straddling Circumference catalogue.

Straddling Circumference...The Art of Linda Ekstrom

Price: $25 + 航运

Featuring essays by 朱迪L. Larson and Leah Ollman.

Word is central to Linda Ekstrom's work; in her altered Bibles and cut-paper icons of female poets and saints, new meaning reveals itself in the deconstructed text. She taught at the College of Creative Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara for over two decades, until her retirement in 2022.  Among other notable achievements, 埃克斯特罗姆被选为新洛杉矶大教堂艺术选择委员会的成员, Our Lady of Angels because of her background in liturgical art. 这个目录以半透明的牛皮纸页为特色,呼应了Ekstrom作品的感性脆弱性. 






玛丽Schoeff: Amplifying the Between 

Price: $25 + 航运

Featuring essays by David Pagel and Nancy Doll.

玛丽Schoeff 坚信一个人在地球上的位置感会对那些他花费大量时间的经纬度线产生一种特殊的依恋. Schoeff is an artist with a dual identity, having studied art on both the Pacific and Atlantic Coasts. 玛丽Schoeff has lived and worked in Santa Barbara for close to four decades. Her connection to art making, 扎根于绘画, 它的核心是与自然和精神的深刻而朴实的关系吗. 感谢众多朋友和赞助人对本次展览的慷慨支持. 


自发反应: The Innovative Ceramics of Don Reitz


Featuring essays by Glenn Adamson, 彼得举行, 布兰特 Reitz, and Chris Rupp.

Reitz revolutionized the forms, structures, and techniques of clay in the
二十世纪. 在雷茨的众多成就中,他重新向美国粘土艺术家介绍了盐烧工艺, for which he became known as "Mr. 盐,雷茨在全国各地的传奇工作室让新一代接触到了完整的身体, 肌肉的方法, 处理粘土. 这本105页的精装专著收录了78件在雷茨回顾展上展出的作品, 自发反应, 其中包括雷茨工作的历史照片,以及格伦·亚当森(Glenn Adamson)撰写的富有洞察力的文章, 彼得举行, 和唐的儿子, 布兰特. 自发反应 2019年在韦斯特蒙特·雷德利-特里艺术博物馆展出,2022年在萨克拉门托NCECA展出.


Santa Barbara Artists and Their Dogs

价格:30美元+税 & 航运

Featuring short intros written by the featured artists and their dogs as well!

"Whether the dog is a muse, 一个模型, 一个同伴, 或者治疗师, artists and dogs have forged deep attachments for centuries,朱迪L说。. 拉森,R. 安东尼歪斜的 professor of art history and museum director. “我们的狗狗朋友给生活增添了很多乐趣,也让我们活在当下." 

2021年夏天,凯丽·史密斯和朱迪·拉尔森创作了这本充满创意和魅力的书,讲述了圣巴巴拉艺术家和他们心爱的狗的故事. The book includes portraits of 70 artists with their canines.


Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot:

The Lady Leslie Ridley-Tree Collection in Context

Price: $25 + 航运

Featuring essays by Dr. 艾米·库兰德博士. Charlene G. Garfinkle,博士. 朱迪L. Larson, Laura DiZerega and Brandon Waybright.

Produced in coordination with our exhibition, 这本152页的目录包含了原始的学术著作和超过57幅高分辨率的让-巴蒂斯特-卡米尔·柯罗艺术作品的复制品. Dr. Amy Kurlander explores Corot's relationship to nature in "Painting Nature," Dr. Charlene G. 加芬克尔在《ag娱乐官网》一书中分析了柯罗创作的绘画和版画,和博士。. 朱迪L. 拉尔森提供了柯罗的历史和他的美国收藏家在“柯罗在美国.


Looking Back / Going Forward:

R. 安东尼歪斜的

Price: $25 + 航运

Featuring essays by Josef Woodard and Siu Zimmerman. 

R. 安东尼歪斜的, best known to his friends as Tony, has been a beloved art teacher, 艺术倡导者, 最重要的是, an amazing artist in our Santa Barbara community for over 46 years. He retired from Westmont College ten years ago, 在建立了我们的版画项目和韦斯特蒙特的雷诺兹画廊之后, now known as the Westmont Ridley-Tree Museum of Art. He is a printmaker, collage and assemblage artist, and a watercolorist. 

Rembrandt and the Jews: The Berger Print Collection

Price: $20 + 航运

Featuring an essay by Dr. 丽莎DeBoer.

伦勃朗与阿姆斯特丹犹太人的关系是一个引人注目的故事. 大多数是西班牙和葡萄牙宗教裁判所的西班牙系犹太人. 许多代犹太人被迫否认他们的宗教遗产, 但在阿姆斯特丹,他们可以自由地恢复传统,回归犹太教. Rembrandt lived in Amsterdam’s prosperous Jewish neighborhood. In Rembrandt’s interpretation of Protestant Old Testament narratives, 伦勃朗向犹太神学家请教,对这些熟悉的主题有细致入微的看法. He also painted and etched portraits of prominent Jews.


tug: Dane Goodman and Keith Puccinelli


Featuring an essay by Christopher Miles.

Goodman has exhibited widely across the United States, and his artwork is housed in museum, 企业, and private collections, including the Santa Barbara Museum of Art; the Art, 设计, and Architecture Museum, University of California, Santa Barbara; The Berkus Collection; the Santa Barbara County Arts Commission; and the Westmont Ridley-Tree Museum of Art. 古德曼是圣巴巴拉城市学院阿特金森美术馆的前任馆长.

Puccinelli founded the critically acclaimed design firm, Puccinelli设计, which he directed for over twenty years. In 1995, Puccinelli began to focus his full attention on his own visual art. His work has been exhibited in solo and group shows throughout Southern California and is housed in the Santa Barbara Museum of Art; Santa Barbara County Arts Commission; Diane and Sandy Besser Collection; The Berkus Collection; and the Westmont Ridley-Tree Museum of Art.

Barbizon Catalogue Cover

Barbizon, Realism, and Impressionsm in 法国

Price: $35 + 航运; $45 with slipcase

Featuring individual essays on each work by Westmont College Staff and Faculty.

这次展览展出了包括玛丽·卡萨特在内的19世纪法国著名艺术家的28件作品, Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, 亨利·马蒂斯, Berthe Morisot, 古斯塔夫·及库尔贝, 让小米, 和更多的. 该目录突出了另外两件未包括在展览中的作品. 

Westmont College's President, Dr. Gayle Beebe, wrote a foreword, and the college's Provost, Dr. Mark Sargent, wrote an introduction to the catalogue. Westmont教员, 工作人员, 学生们就雷德利·特里夫人的每一件藏品都写了一篇文章——它产生了一份回应和反思的“礼物”,向莱斯利·雷德利夫人和她非凡的艺术收藏致敬. 

Fine Impression Cover

Making a Fine Impression: Prints from the Faith & Dewayne佩里 Collection

Price: $25 + 航运

Featuring an essay by Faith & Dewayne佩里

 Making a Fine Impression: Prints from the Faith and Dewayne佩里 Collection 从较大的佩里版画收藏的亮点,并代表了广度和质量的作品,他们已经收集. 他们版画收藏的主要焦点是在荷兰创作的16至18世纪的早期大师版画, 意大利, 法国, 德国, 和英格兰. As their collection grew, 他们扩展到包括蚀刻复兴版画以及一些现代和当代作品.

Africa Exhibition Logo

Africa Through Its Sculpture: Highlights from the Lifshitz Collection


Featuring an essay by Dr. 赫伯特米. 科尔

本目录是为“非洲雕塑展”而出版的, 其中包括菲玛·利夫希茨和杰里·利夫希茨的大量收藏中的非洲艺术亮点. 该目录按主题组织,向读者介绍非洲人民丰富的历史,通过他们的雕塑对象.

Uyesaka Catalogue Cover

挖Uyesaka: long story short


Featuring essays by Charles Donelan, Dr. Gayle Beebe, and Rob Hereford.



Rafael Perea de la Cabada: Alien Heartland


Featuring an essay by Peter Frank

Rafael Perea de la Cabada is an artist who lives very much in the moment; his artistic productions chronicle his response to life. Creating art is his calling. Perea de la Cabada's work is mysterious, 细致入微的, 冥想, 和复杂的, but those viewers who invest the time in his art will not be disappointed. 在Gil Garcia和Marti Correa de Garcia的推动下,对Rafael Perea de la Cabada进行了职业中期调查, 艺术家们曾为他担任顾问和策展人,收藏他的历史悠久的墨西哥版画. 

Kiyoshi Saito: Woodblock Printmaker

Price: $10 + 航运

Featuring an essay by Theodore W. Hatlen

Jan Albert Fürst Kolstad: Prints


Featuring an essay by Øivind Storm Bjerke

从20世纪20年代开始,爱德华·蒙克的作品在挪威画家中获得了很高的评价. 20世纪70年代, printmaking blossomed in Norway, 扬·阿尔伯特·弗尔斯特·科尔斯塔德成为挪威版画新黄金时代的一部分. Today he can look back on a prolific career as a master printmaker and artist. He has received numerous grants, 曾举办过三十多次个展,并被十多家公共和私人艺术收藏机构收购. Kolstad has been teaching for nearly twenty-five years at Asker Art School, 对许多人来说,这是进一步进入艺术学院的预备学习. He now teaches at Oslo National Academy of the Arts.

Westmont 永久收藏 Handbook


Featuring essays by twenty-one scholars and reSearchers